Over the past week I have been slowly showing everyone there is actually no salmon in Alaska. Cliff decided to take control and quickly phoned who we believe was Graham Sinclair, for some much needed advice.
Turns out whoever the mysterious figure was on the phone knew exactly what to do. This is the face of dedication!

And with no second thoughts Cliff gave me my marching orders and out onto the yak I went.
Thanks for everyone who chose left on the photo I posted on facebook.
I wasn’t sure what side to tie to the scissors so I went the large side.
Turns out it is harder than you would think dropping braid scissors down to 400 feet. I did however manage to catch no halibut but a not bad Silver Grey. That means its 1 for 1 in the kayak!
This only left me a couple behind the dream team who caught a couple of salmon.
Also thanks to Tanessa for bringing some good luck to these unfortunate lads.